Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language,complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English.At the time, American Si...2020-08-28
Of all the components of a good night's sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. Indreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. Acentury ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguisedshadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by thelate 1970s, neurologists had switched tothinking of them as just "mental noise"-the random byproducts of the neural repair work thatgoes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotionalthermostat, regulating moods while the brain is "off line." And one leading authority says thatthese intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought underconscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. "It's your dream," says RosalindCartwright, chair of psychologyat Chicago's Medical Center, "if you don't like it, chan...2020-08-28
There are people in Italy who can’t stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. 『Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens.』① They tell you it’s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there’s the sport that glorifies “the hit”.By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still. On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays, close?ups. The geometry of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will contemplate the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projec...2020-08-28
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you." You can cite examples to illustrate the beauty and features of knowledge. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文:The Beauty of Knowledge Praise of knowledge has never come to an end since ancient times. Apparently, knowledge is a treasure that everybody volunteers to possess and much of success could be attributed to it directly or indirectly. As far as I am concerned, the beauty of knowledge can be explained in three aspects. Firstly, knowledge is open to all human beings. People can learn whatever they wish in one way or another. Secondly, knowledge learnt can be reflected in one's later life, so that one knows how to savor the present moment in peaceful times and how to deal with problems in difficult times. La...2020-08-28
Direction: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic :Cell Phones .You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline below: 1. 描述手机用户数的变化情况 2. 出现这种情况的原因 3. 对此现象作出评价 【写作范文】Cell Phones As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 2002, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 2005, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phone...2020-08-28
From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 写作要求:1.目前,微博用户数量持续增长 2.微博是一把双刃剑 3.我的看法 范文My Views on Micro-blog With the number of micro-bloggers soarin9,micro-blog has become part of our lives and has drawn much attention around the country. Micro-blog is a double-edged sword.On the one hand,micro-blog plays an important role in upholding justice,advancing social democracy and providing a platform for people to comment about their lives.On the other hand, micro- blogging can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away people’s privacy. What is worse.some people argue that the widespread use of micro-blogs has made it easier for people to spread rumors and false news...2020-08-28
一、字迹书写一篇作文得分的高低直接取决于书写和表达。因此,强化学生的规范意识就显得尤为重要。俗话说:字写得好坏是一个人的脸面。英语也如此。英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。这就需要同学们在生活中一定要有意识的注意自己的书写。大家可以记住这个顺口溜:书写格式很重要,四线三格要看好。大写都占上两格,小写格式要记牢。头朝上占上两格,尾朝下占下两格。有头有尾占三格,无头无尾中间饱。右倾5°要一致,统一大小和粗细。二、增加词汇量在英语作文中,很多同学为了保险,用在词汇大都是简单词汇,这样做的后果就是英语作文分数不高。我们同学应该要知道的是考试中,一分的差距就可以和其他同学拉开几百的名次,如果我们在英语写作中用到一些高级词汇,拉高自己的作文分数,同时,也拉开了自己与其他同学的差距。这种方法不是一蹴而就的,所以,需要同学们在平时的学习生活中多练习:1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4. blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略10. slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片三、提前了解考试8:40考生入场 1.出示准考证、身份证、学生证2.手机严禁带入考场9:00 下发考试材料 检查试题册、条形码、答题卡的印刷质量。阅读试题册正面内容。3. 粘贴条形码、填写个人信息。9:10考试正式开始 开始作答作文 9:40听力考试开始 打开试题册,戴上耳机2. 进行听力考试 请考生掌握好答题卡1的填涂时间,听力录音播放完毕后,将立即回收答题卡1 听力理解30分钟 10:05听力考试结束 停止作答,摘下耳机 回收答题卡1 考试暂停五分钟,等待收答题卡 10:10考生继续作答阅读理解和翻译部分 11:20考试结束 考生停止作答 考生交回试题册、答题卡2。老师清点无误后考生方可离场。 注意:...2020-10-26