Since 2000







  •   英语四级试卷结构题型描述  1)作文  写作部分测试学生用英语进行书面表达的能力,所占分值比例为15%,考试时间30分钟。写作测试选用考生所熟悉的题材,要求考生根据所提供的信息及提示(如:提纲、情景、图片或图表等)写出一篇短文,四级120-180词,六级150-200词。  写作评分标准:  33分——条理不清、思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。  39分——基本切题。表达思想不清楚连贯性差。有较多严重的语言错误。  45分——基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。  57分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。  67分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺。连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。  文字不足酌情扣分:100-119扣1分;90-99扣3分;80-89扣4分;70-79扣5分;60-69扣6分;50-59扣7分;不足50扣9分。  2)听力  为了适应新的形势下社会对大学生英语听力能力需求的变化,进一步提高听力测试的效度,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整。调整的相关内容说明如下:①取消短对话 ②取消短文听写 ③新增短篇新闻(3段),其余测试内容不变。  3)阅读理解  阅读理解部分包括1篇长篇阅读和3篇仔细阅读,测试学生在不同层面上的阅读理解能力,包括理解篇章或段落的主旨大意和重要细节、综合分析、推测判断以及根据上下文推测词义等能力。该部分所占分值比例为35%,其中长篇阅读占10%,仔细阅读占25%。考试时间40分钟。  长篇阅读部分采用1篇较长篇幅的文章,总长度四级约1000词,六级约1200词。阅读速度四级约每分钟100词;六级约每分钟120词。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。  仔细阅读部分要求考生阅读3篇短文。2篇为多项选择题型的短文理解测试,每篇长度四级为300-350词,六级为400-450词;1篇为选词填空,篇章长度四级为200-250词,六级为250-300词。短...
  • 很多同学面对英语四六级考试的时候最怕的就是听力题型,同时这也是最不好拿分的题型。下面,小编给大家分享了几个四级听力练习方法,大家可以作为参考。关于更多最新2021年全国英语四级考试复习方法欢迎收藏本网站。【CTRL+D收藏备用】1、预听新闻原文不论选择了哪个新闻去练习听力,都要先预听全文。不要上来就查生词,即便是听不懂也不要怕,能听懂多少就听多少,要敢于去听。听完一遍之后(只听一遍),回味一下自己能听懂的部分,了解新闻大致内容。2、记录生词由于好多新闻没有文本,需要我们直接去听,我们可以联系上下文去猜生词的意思。实在猜不出来的情况下,我们采取听音查词的方法,按照你听到生词的音去查词典,了解生词的意思,进而搞懂这则新闻主要表达的意思。3、翻译原文这里我们要求的是逐句翻译原文,对于有文本的旧新闻我们可以这样去练习,这样可以扩大同学们的意义反应单元。对于实事新闻,还没有文本的新闻,我们可以逐句听每一句话,然后尝试着进行翻译,然后把翻译的每一句整合起来,进而理解整篇新闻的意思。以上几个就是英语四级听力练习的方法,希望可以给大家在备考的时候带来帮助。...
  •   英语四级翻译练习题:民间故事  中国民间故事(Chinese folktale)是中国文化的财富。它展示了中国人民如何追求爱情和更美好的生活。中国的故事多种多样,尤其是民间故事。主流的中国民间故事可以分为两种:一种是关于人们如何为了自己的梦想而奋斗;另一种是关于人们如何在神的帮助下过上好日子。中国有56个民族,其中55个是少数民族。民间故事吸收了少数民族的信仰和习俗。  参考翻译:  Chinese folktales are the wealth of Chinese culture.It shows how Chinese people seek for love and a better life.There are various Chinese tales, especially the folk tales.The mainstream Chinese folktales can be classified into two kinds.One is about how people fight for their dreams,the other is about how people lead a good life with the help from their gods.In China,there are 56 ethnic groups in which 55 are the ethnic minorities.Folktales have taken in the faith and customs of the ethnic minorities.  1.它展示了中国人民如何追求爱情和更美好的生活:该句的谓语动词为“展示”show,后可跟一个how引导的宾语从句。其中“追求爱情和更美好的生活”可译为seek for love and abetter life。  2.主流的中国民间故事可以分为两种:“主流的”可译为mainstream。“非主流”就是non-mainstream。“分为”可译为be classified into。 ...
  •   英语四级翻译练习题:长城  长城是人类创造的世界奇迹之一。如果你到了中国却没去过长城,就想到了巴黎没有去看看菲尔铁塔,或者就像到了埃及没有去看金字塔一样。人们常说:“不到长城非好汉。”实际上,长城最初只是一些断断续续的城墙,直到秦朝统一中国后才将其连城长城。然而,今天我们看到的长城——东起山海关,西至嘉峪关——大部分都是在明代修建的。  英语四级翻译译文  The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human beings! If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower; or going to Egypt without visiting the Pyramids! Men often say, "He who doest not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great Wall" until the Qin Dynasty. However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty. ...
  •   英语四级翻译练习题:泡茶  在中国,当有客人来访时,泡茶(serve tea)是必不可少的。你可提前询问客人最喜欢喝什么茶以便选用最佳茶具(tea set)来待客。主人在陪伴客人饮茶时,要非常注意茶壶以及客人茶杯中的茶水剩余量。通常,如茶已喝去一半,就要添加茶水,随喝随添,使茶水浓度(concentration)不变和温度适宜。在饮茶时也可适当佐以点心、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和缓解饥饿感之功效。  参考译文  In China,it is necessary to serve tea to visitors.You call ask them about what kind of tea they fancy most in advance so as to serve them with the most appropriate tea set.In the course of serving tea,the host should take careful note of how much water remaining in the kettle and in the cups of the guests.Usually. boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed.and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same concentration and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking.Snacks,sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one’s hunger.  难点注释  1.第一句中,“当有客人来访时”可以译为when there’re visitors,但比较啰嗦,不如直接译为visitors简练;“泡茶是必...
  •   英语四级翻译练习题:分盛食物  在中国,食物是用大的公用盘子(communal plate)来盛装的,而且基本上都会提供公用的筷子来将食物从公用的盘子里弄到你自己的盘子里。如果有公用的筷子就用公共的筷子来分开食物。如果没有,或是不确定有没有,你可以先等一等,看其他人是怎么做的,然后效仿就行。有时候热心的中国主人会帮你将食物分到你的碗里,这很正常。  参考译文  In China.the food is served via large communal plates.and in nearly every will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main plates to your own.You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied.If they are not or you are unsure,wait for someone to serve food to their own plates.and then copy what they do.0n is normal for an eager Chinese host to place food into your bowl.  难点注释  1.第一句中,“是用……来盛装的”是被动语态结构,可译为is served via…;“公用的筷子”可译为communal chopsticks;“从公用的盘子里弄 到你自己的盘子里”可译为transferring food from the main plates to your own。  2.第二句中,“如果有公用的筷子”可以译为there be句型,但用“筷子”作  主语,采用被动语态结构更恰当,可译为if they are supplied。  3.第三句中,“效仿”指的是效仿他们所做的事情,要将宾语补充完整,可 译为copy what they do。  4.第四句中,“这很正常”通常译为it.句型,可译为it is normal ...
  •   作文要求  1.近年来推迟退休年龄引起人们的热议  2.推迟退休年龄有利也有弊  3.你的看法  范文:Along with the trend of longevity, nobody could have failed to notice a heated debate on whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.  Some people argue that it’s necessary to postpone the retirement age in that it is a good way to deal with the aging population.One of the direct results of the aging society is a drop in the labor force supply,which can be relieved by postponing the retirement age.However,other people hold a negative view about it.For one thin12,this reform could raise the pressure of social employment,especially for the present severe situation.For another,it may diminish the senior's leisure time and the probability of the retired people enjoying their retirement pension.  For my part.we should take the level of the reform and the elders’interest into consideration so that a clearer perspective of the debate can be gained. ...
  •   随着国家的二胎政策的公布,也许在不久的将来,独生子女就成了少数群体了。在还没有二胎成群的时候,我们一起来看看作为独生子女有哪些利与弊吧!  作文题目:  Advantage and Disadvantages of Being an Only Child  参考范文:  My father used to talk to me about his five siblings. He used to say that I was unfortunate that I had none. And I used to envy him and wonder how nice it would be to have a houseful of brothers and sisters. I also used to wonder what would happen to me if I were to lose my parents. Frankly speaking, I do not have to share anything with anybody. I own all my parents' love. I can ask for anything I want. I always wear new clothes and eat the best food. Since my parents spend all their money on me, I can study at the best university of the country.  Lucky as I am, I now and then feel very lonely and I have nobody to complain about my loneliness. How I long for a quarrel with my brothers and sisters! Of course I have classmates and friends, but they are different. Sometimes I feel so pessimistic that...