The Homosexual Family Although many people do not think of homosexual relationships as resulting in a family, it has been estimated that about one of five gays and one of three lesbians enter a homosexual marriage. The marriage may or may not be established by a formal ceremony. One male couple , for example , after four months of cohabitation3, went to Mass4 and let the service be their private ceremony of commitment. They used the term marriage to describe their relationship. They bought matching rings and verbally agreed to be sexually faithful, to emotionally support each other, and to have equal say in such matters as finances. Moreover, millions of gays and lesbians have had children. In many cases, the children were born when the individual was part of a heterosexual marriage . Subsequently, the individual openly acknowledged his or her homosexual preference. Some of these children are being raised in a homosexual family — tw...2021-09-24
Posture Talks In the United States, where“ casualness”is considered a great virtue, people often sit with feet on chairs or even desks. They sometimes sit with their backsides ( buttocks) on tables and desks as a way of expressing their individuality or career attitude. They feel comfortable crossing their legs and sitting with one ankle on the other knee . Poor posture — slumping oneself over while sitting in a chair and placing feet on whatever object is around — is a common U. S. behavior. It is designed to show that the person is casual, honest, sincere, and“ just one of the folks ”. In the United States, even millionaires, corporation presidents, government leaders, and movie stars try to pretend they are ordinary people by using“the U. S. slouch ”and“ the feet-on-the -furniture”maneuver. Unfortunately, other countries interpret this behavior as being sloppy and as reflecting a general lack of alertness, interest, and respect. ...2021-09-24
the ar t of bowing the degree to which a bowing or lowering of the body is emphasized varies from one culture to another . in many cultures today the full bow or other dramatic lowering of the body is generally reserved for formal occasions such as greeting a head of state or monarch. for example, british commoners standing before the queen or being honored by royalty in a ceremony of knighthood would be expected to bow, curtsey, or kneel. as part of their religious practices some christians kneel, catholics genuflect, and muslims kowtow3 , an extreme form of body lowering in which the forehead is brought to the ground. although bowing, as a worldwide phenomenon, has been on the decrease in recent decades, it has survived in german culture and exists to an even greater degree in modern japan, where bows are an integral part of everyday social interaction . in the united states, however, bowing or any type of submissive body posture i...2021-09-24
Sleeping Position Reveals Personality Traits Whether it’s curled up in the fetal position , flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed, the way people sleep reveals their personality, a British sleep expert said. The expert has identified six common sleeping positions and what they mean. “We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this is the first time we have been able to see what our subconscious says about us, ”he said. Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and favored by 51 percent of women, according to the results of the study he conducted for a large hotel group. Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive while people who assume the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quiet and reserved. Sleeping on one’s side with legs outstretched and arms down in what he refers to as the log, indicates a social, easygoing personality. But if the arms are o...2021-09-24
Eye Language Just back from a tour of several Arabian Gulf1 countries, a woman recalls how jumpy she felt talking to men there. “Not because of what they said, ”she explains,“ but what they did with their eyes. ”Instead of the occasional blink, Arabs lowered their lids so slowly and languorously that she was convinced they were falling asleep. In Japan eye contact is a key to the way you feel about someone. And the less of it,the better. What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye , the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personal affront. Even when shaking hands or bowing — and especially when conversing6 — only an occasional glance into the other person’s face is considered polite. The rest of the time , great attention should be paid to fingertips, desktops,and the warp and woof of the carpet.“Always keep your shoes shined in Tokyo, ”advises an electronics representative who has spent several days there .“You can be...2021-09-24
1、公务员招聘的“硬规定”公务员很多岗位要求必须通过英语四六级,甚至有的对具体分数还有进一步的要求。2、四大银行的“筛选标准”国内的四大银行对英语四六级分数有严格的限制标准,而其中,本科生和研究生的要求标准还有所不同。3、国际财会证书的最佳“拍档”ACCA、USCPA作为国际财会领域的顶尖证书,它们堪称“国际通行证”。不过,USCPA只需要英语四级就足以拿下,ACCA具备英语六级水平就可以轻松飘过。4、外企的必要“生存技能”英语是进外企必备的生存技能。外企的招聘信息一般是英文的,就连笔试、面试也几乎是全英文。5、部分媒体招聘条件之一传媒行业招聘虽没有明确提出“英语四六级”要求,但在严峻的就业形势下,四六级无疑是展现实力的一个有力角度。6、读研也会涉及到英语四六级如果你想取得保研资格,绝大多数学校对英语四六级的成绩有要求! ...2020-06-17
为适应国家改革开放的需要,“全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会”从 1999 年 11 月起已在部分城市开始实施大学英语四、六级考试口语考试( CET Spoken English Test ) 申请参加口语考试的考生必须是已经获得大学英语四、六级考试证书的在校生,且六级成绩在 75 分及以上或四级成绩在 80 分及以上 四、六级口语考试 2004 年已在全国 28 个省市的 34 个城市设立了考点 口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为 A 、 B 、 C 三个等级,成绩低于 C 等的不发给证书 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试能力等级标准如下:...2020-08-31
大学英语六级写作解题时间为30分钟,事实上提供给写作的时间不止30分钟。一般来说,各考场会提前5分钟左右将答题卡一发到四六级考生手里,大一点的考场甚至可能提前10分钟发卷。这5到10分钟不允许学生作答,但考生完全可以用来做作文部分的审题和构思工作。注意审题一定要仔细,按要求写作,不得擅自改动题目,给定的提纲不得有遗漏,否则会按比例扣分。尤其注意,不要因为事先自己背过或练过哪篇相似的文章而死搬硬套。否则后果很严重。另外,构思不是打草稿。因为考场上时间有限,并不建议学生练习写作时养成打草稿的习惯。考生只要花三五分钟做一下构思即可,即想象一下每段大致写什么,可以记几个关键词提示自己,在接下来的二十分钟里面按照这几个关键词提示的内容扩展就行。一般来说,要求不少于150词的文章最好写到180到200词,就句子数目来说,如果分三段,每段也就三到五句话,平均四句一段。那么整篇文章大约10个关键词就可以。整体写完之后,考生可以回过头来检查下是不是有语法、单词错误。以上是小编为大家收集整理的“大学英语六级写作解题步骤”相关内容。希望对大家有所帮助。 ...2021-04-28